



Roma, commonly known as Gypsies, a traditionally nomadic people found throughout the world. While the term gypsy is often attached to anyone leading a nomadic life, the Gypsies share a common biological, cultural, and linguistic heritage that sets them apart as a genuine ethnic group.
When they first arrived in Europe over 500 years ago, the Gypsy were called Gypsies in the mistaken belief that they had come from Egypt. The true origins of the Gypsy remained a mystery until the late 18th century, when European linguists discovered connections between the Romani language and certain dialects spoken in northwestern India. More recent linguistic and historical studies have confirmed that the Gypsy originated in India.
From the days of Zorro until shortly before World War II, it would not be uncommon in Europe, or in parts of California, to find a secluded spot not far from a road where a Gypsy family or tribe had pitched their camp. You could expect to hear the strains of a soaring violin, and spy the curved, wooden-roofed, and gaily painted covered wagon, with a silken tent beside it. The exotic visage would not be complete unless a raven trussed young beauty, with coal black eyes dressed in vibrant colors, gazed elusively back at you as she cooked the family supper over an open fire. What man wouldn't be captivated by such a creature, with golden bangles in her hair, dangling around her throat, and from her ears, her shoulders swathed in a fringed shawl of striking and contrasting colors. Close to her side would be a handsome, dark, and lithe young man, and the camp would be full of children running and playing, as the aged and withered crones appeared from the wagons to whisk them away from the eyes of strangers.
Gypsies or the Romani people, are known for their great and fierce love for children, which may account for the centuries old legends of Gypsies stealing children from their cradles in the middle of the night. There are many legends and old wives tales of this strange and elusive cultural enclave.
For hundreds of years, and still to this day, they have lived in the midst of civilization, urban and rural, from Europe, to Africa, to Asia, to Australia, to South and North America, pitching their tents, wagons, and in modern times, trailers. They live amongst and amidst the cites, yet remain apart and aloof, never belonging to anyplace, or country, but to themselves.
The first recorded appearances of Gypsies were found on islands in the Mediterranean Sea near the Balkan peninsula. As small bands or tribes quickly spreading throughout Europe, they appeared in Germany in approximately 1417. They had no clear knowledge of their roots. The Europeans took one look at their exotic ways, and caravan life style, and believed them to be refugees from Egypt dubbing them Gypsies, which quickly became the common term, accepted by even them.
Gypsies have earned a reputation over the centuries for being quick-tempered, boastful, and generous to their own. Known for living by their wits, and often accused of pilferage and trickery, they soon earned the distrust and dislike of many local populations. Often laws were imposed upon them, which though ultimately modified, caused severe persecution and distrust. Fond of gaiety and bright colors, and having unusual concepts of personal property, they have been both glamorized and vilified, in literature and film, as well as opera classics such as “Carmen”. The wandering global nation has always had a low rate of literacy and relied heavily upon spoken history, and strong cultural heritage.
Historically they are wonderful musicians, known for fiery fiddles, and the wild charm of their staccato guitars. Their style of music has gained world wide popularity, inspiring such great classical composers as Ravel. More contemporary groups such as "The Gypsy Kings", have revived the popularity of the wild charm, and singing wail, of many an old Gypsy folk song or ballad. Gypsy women are famous for their fortune telling through tarot cards, tea leaves, palm readings, and gazing deep into crystal balls.
Each group, or tribe, has its own dialect that will vary from country to country, yet maintain a basic root vocabulary of the Romani language to allow them to communicate with each other. Their language is unlike any other European language, and has been proven to have its roots, as well as the race of Gypsies themselves, in India. A gypsy male calls himself "Rom," the man, or the husband. A female or wife is "Romni," and the language, "Romani". The trails or paths they travel are called "patteran".
Whether these trails be alongside a road, through a forest, across a heather covered moor, or across the sea,---wherever the sound of violins, or strummed guitars, or firelights glow,---Gypsies are a constant source of mystery, mysticism, and passion to us all.

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